Apply all that you’ve learned in critical thinking and writing  this semester. It is a “real world” application asking you to read a

Apply all that you’ve learned in critical thinking and writing
 this semester. It is a “real world” application asking you to read a couple contemporary articles and then to compose a rational
 and evidence-based argument, taking ONLY these articles as your source evidence. You will be evaluated on the rationality of your argument, your use of sources to back up your argument, and your correct use of citations.

Matthew Crawford: Shop Class as Soulcraft

to an external site.

Shop Class as SoulcraftLinks to an external site.

Our rejection of craftsmanship wrongly ignores the cognitive, social, and remunerative rewards of skilled manual work, and wrongly assumes that white-collar work always engages the mind. Matthew B. Crawford recounts life as a motorcycle mechanic and makes a case for the manual trades.

www.thenewatlantis.comLinks to an external site.

Bertrand Russell: In Praise of Idleness

to an external site.

In Praise of Idleness, by Bertrand RussellLinks to an external site.

Should we privilege work or idleness? Answer this question by explaining some of Crawford’s 
and Russell’s arguments on this issue.

Guidelines for your essay:

1. Your essay should be between a minimum of 500 words and no more than 1000 words. 

2. You must reference specific page numbers and quotes from these articles.



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